WWW Wednesday: 1st July 2020

WWW Wednesday is currently hosted by Taking On A World of Words, and asks three simple questions that allows me to chat about what I’m reading, as well as my most recent and upcoming reads!

What are you currently reading?

I’m still reading ‘The Shadow of the Wind’ quite slowly but I’m enjoying it! I’m trying to read a couple of chapters or so everyday and I think I’m enjoying the story a lot because the mystery is being unfolded slowly.

I’m also making my way though ‘Liar’s Gospel’ which is slow for me as I’m always either very slow or very fast when reading ebooks, partly because it drives up my screen time by quite a lot if I read it at the pace I usually read physical books at. However, I’m still finding it interesting and I’m hoping to finish it in the next week or so.

So I started listening to ‘Turtle Under Ice’ before I hit a reading slump in early June, so I decided to put the audiobook down for a bit. I’ve picked it back up again and it’s good so far so hopefully I won’t hit another reading slump this month!

What have you just finished reading?

I enjoyed the first half of ‘Shame Nation’ by Sue Scheff with Melissa Schorr, but the second half didn’t live up to the rest of the book. The second half focused on actions you can take to avoid public shaming, and then how to react if you are publicly shamed, however most of the stuff mentioned felt like common sense and not something I nedeed to read about – it felt like filler to be honest.

You need to read ‘When You Were Everything’! It was such a fantastic story about love, friendship, forgiveness, morals and trust and it had relevant Shakespeare references! It was a gorgeous story and I wish sixteen year old me had been able to read this story, but other sixteen year olds will so please buy and support it.

What do you plan on reading next?

I’m committed to reading both of these this month and I’m excited to be picking them up finally! Hopefully I’ll start both this week.

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